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Join Us in Ashland Main Street

Have you noticed the growth and development of our wonderful downtown?  Of course you have!  We all have!  But these changes don't happen by accident.


Ashland Main Street is a non profit community organization helping to transform downtown Ashland.  We work to encourage our storefronts open and engaging, our members have access to the tools and resources they need, and make sure there are plenty of activities and events to draw more and more people downtown.

Your membership gives you inside access to these resources and support.  More importantly, your support helps to fund our efforts to keep Ashland Main Street on the rise!

It's Easy to Join

Sign up by completing the form below.  We will contact you right away!

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Membership Dues and Donations

Thank you for your support of Ashland Main Street!  You can pay your membership dues here, or make donations to our cause.  Let us know if you have any questions

Payment Purpose (Thank You!)

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Contact Us to Learn More About Ashland Main Street

We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities.
Let's connect.


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